Friday, 3 April 2015

Pipeline Drag Reducing Agent: Reduces Frictional Pressure

Drag reducing agent is one which reduces the drag or pressure in the pipelines and prevents turbulence and decreases the pressure of the extraction.

An oil extraction plant is filled with problems such as drag and turbulence in the pipeline or the increased viscosity due to deposit formation. Drag, for instance, is caused due to turbulence or disturbance in the pipeline. It is believed by the experts that the oil extracted, puts pressure on the pipe while it travels upwards. The pipe, in turn, exerts reverse pressure on the fluid, causing the oil to swirl down the line. This faster travel of petroleum can cause various kinds of disturbances and prevent extraction. Extraction plants start operating under high pressure to prevent this from happening.

Alternatively, by adding drag reducing agents, one can prevent this from forming, and extract crude oil or petroleum at a much lower pressure. A drag reducing agent is a high molecular weight polymer. What it does is that, it forms a sort of layer of the pipe and the oil. This way, the interaction between them is reduced, and thus, the drag is reduced.

The polymers are added as and when necessary, and thus, helps in making sure the oil extraction takes place safely and also the production remains stable and good.

The oil extraction plants use these polymers to not only reduce pressure, but also to decrease their production cost. When one adds the drag reducing agent, the operation becomes simpler, and easier, with low pressures too.  Thus, when the pressure is low, the operating cost is low, and the safety is increased multifold.

So, using drag reducing agents comes with some extraordinary benefits for all kinds of oil extraction process.

For more information click here

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