Tuesday, 1 March 2016

Different Road Dust Control Products and Chemicals

Dust is a big problem, especially when building access and haul roads as well as landing strips. When choosing road dust control products and chemicals, there are two important things you need to consider—effectiveness and environment impact. More often than not, highly-effective chemicals and products have the consequence of causing plants nearby to wilt and die, or to contaminate and pollute water sources. On the other hand, environment-friendly products may not be as effective. Here is a quick description of common road dust control products and chemicals available:

•    Calcium chloride – This chemical attracts moisture and can resist evaporating.

•    Magnesium chloride – This acts the same way as calcium chloride, but with the added benefit of reducing erosion to prevent the development of potholes.

•    Magnesium chloride hexahydrate – This chemical achieves aggregate stability and is less toxic than salt and baking soda.

•    NovaMax DCP 7525 – This resin-modified emulsion is an excellent treatment for road surfaces that are unpaved. It has high bonding strength, thanks to non-ionic emulsion technology. It is long-lasting and is effective for dust and erosion control and treatment for shoulders and stabilization of roads. This reliable and environmentally-friendly binder can be used even if your site of construction is close to wetland areas.

Make sure to purchase dust control products and chemicals from reputable chemical manufacturers or distribution companies. One way to check a company’s reliability is to look at their list of clients. If there are testimonials about their products and services, be sure to read them. The best manufacturers are those that can offer flexible solutions. Some can tailor road dust control products and chemicals to suit your needs.

You should also check on the background of the manufacturing and distribution company. See if they comply with strict rules and regulations to keep from harming the environment. They should also have an excellent health and safety standards.

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